
Textual thesaurus for "bare"

(adj) unembellished, unornamented, plain, spare

lacking embellishment or ornamentation

a plain hair style; unembellished white walls; functional architecture featuring stark unornamented concrete

(adj) scanty, spare

lacking in amplitude or quantity

a bare livelihood; a scanty harvest; a spare diet

(adj) nude, naked, au naturel

completely unclothed

bare bodies; naked from the waist up; a nude model

(adj) stripped

having everything extraneous removed including contents

the bare walls; the cupboard was bare

(adj) desolate, bleak, barren, stark

providing no shelter or sustenance

bare rocky hills; barren lands; the bleak treeless regions of the high Andes; the desolate surface of the moon; a stark landscape

(adj) unfinished

lacking a surface finish such as paint

bare wood; unfinished furniture

(adj) simple, mere

apart from anything else; without additions or modifications

only the bare facts; shocked by the mere idea; the simple passage of time was enough; the simple truth

(adj) unsheathed

not having a protective covering

unsheathed cables; a bare blade

(adj) marginal

just barely adequate or within a lower limit

a bare majority; a marginal victory

(verb) strip, denudate, denude

lay bare

denude a forest

(verb) publicise, publicize, air

make public

She aired her opinions on welfare