
Textual thesaurus for "distribute"

(verb) diffuse, disperse, disseminate, spread, pass around, broadcast, circularise, circularize, circulate, propagate

cause to become widely known

spread information; circulate a rumor; broadcast the news

(verb) spread

distribute or disperse widely

The invaders spread their language all over the country

(verb) stagger

to arrange in a systematic order

stagger the chairs in the lecture hall

(verb) circulate, pass around, pass on

cause be distributed

This letter is being circulated among the faculty

(verb) pass out, give out, hand out

give to several people

The teacher handed out the exams

(verb) dole out, deal, deal out, dish out, dispense, allot, administer, parcel out, shell out, mete out, lot

administer or bestow, as in small portions

administer critical remarks to everyone present; dole out some money; shell out pocket money for the children; deal a blow to someone; the machine dispenses soft drinks